UTA Presents EQUIVOCATION 11/14-11/24

UTA Presents EQUIVOCATION by Bill Cain 11/14-11/24

THE STORY: England, 1605: A terrorist plot to assassinate King James I and blow Parliament to kingdom come with 36 barrels of devilish gunpowder! Shagspeare(after a contemporary spelling of the Bard’s name) is commissioned by RobertCecil, the prime minister, to write the “true historie” of the plot.And it must have witches! The King wants witches! But as Shag and the acting company of the Globe, under the direction of the great Richard Burbage,investigate the plot, they discover that the King’s version of the story might,in fact, be a cover-up. Shag and his actors are confronted with the ultimate moral and artistic dilemma. Speak truth to power—and perhaps lose their heads?Or take the money and lie? Is there a third option—equivocation? A high-stakes political thriller with contemporary resonances, EQUIVOCATION gallops from the great Globe to the Tower of London to the halls of Parliament to the heart of Judith, Shag’s younger daughter, who finds herself unexpectedly at the very heart of the political, dramatic and—ultimately—human mystery.

Performances are Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 PM with two shows Saturdays at 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM Admission is FREE though donations are welcome!



Paul Urbanski – Shagspeare

Kate Nerone – Judith

Lea Hulsey – Sharpe

Annalyse Lapajenko – Richard

Isabella Gilbert – Armin

Clay Crepps – Nate


Director- Ari Pollack

Stage manager – Abi Priepke

Producer/Set Design- Sam Wood

Sound – Isabel Coff