
Share Your News!

If you want us to add a piece about you on the ALUMNI NEWS page please send a photo and the information to OR you can keep us updated whenever you have news to report by keeping the UW Alums page up to date through a Theatre and Drama Facebook Group that you can join and add to for those alums that read that OR if you want to read what is up with the Department’s producing Arm, known as University Theatre – you can visit our Facebook page.

Department Newsletter

If you are interested in getting an electronic copy of the department newsletter please let us know by sending us your name and e-mail address to

Getting Information about Transcripts and/or Degrees or Attendance

We encourage you to contact the Wisconsin Alumni Association with updated information regarding your change of address. Without a current address, you will miss mailings designed to keep you informed about events at the University.

Becoming a Member of UW Alumni

If you like to stay closer to your Badger roots, become a Member of the Wisconsin Alumni Association.

Wisconsin Alumni Association

  1. Go to and sign up free as an alumnus to gain access to the directory in order to submit changes to your record.
  2. Or call 262-9648 or (888) WIS-ALUM (947-2586) in order to give your new information.
  3. Or email changes to

UW Foundation
For UW departmental personnel:

  1. Send hard copy updates via campus mail to: Records Management Dept. at UW Foundation.
  2. Send email or electronic updates to:

UW Foundation

1848 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53726
(608) 308-5393

Wisconsin Alumni Association
650 North Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-2551